About Us

For the last 30 years Volo Libero Scaligero has colored the skies with paragliders and hang gliders.

Since our foundation we have been an active part and participated to the entire evolution of free flight. From the 70’s, where only a few pioneers were experimenting, to the 80’s, when free flight was almost a fashion, to today where the evolution of the equipment and teaching techniques have made free flight more accessible and safer for everyone.

In 2007 Volo Libero Scaligero was joined by Team Scaligero, the competition squad.

Deltaland is our home and home to all of those that share our passion for free flight, it is the landing area for flights from Monte Baldo and the meeting point for pilots from all over Europe.

Anyone that has respect and a love for nature is always welcome.


Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Volo Libero Scaligero
C/O Bar El Loquero
Piazza Roma n° 10
37013 Caprino Veronese (Verona)


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